Monthly Archives: January 2013


This weekend was very busy at the Nordean houshold. We took a walk to the park to take advantage of the beautiful Spring-like weather we are having, we finally had time to take down our outdoor Christmas lights, we attended an incredible talent show hosted by some of the amazing students in our Jr. High Youth Group and we still had time to make these:


How about these killer shelves!



So impressed with the hubs for putting these together.



So cool.

I wish I could take credit for them but Josh is the mastermind behind this coolness. They just add so much character to the room. Love them!!

I really wanted to wait to post pictures of the finished product until it was, well, finished…BUT I JUST CAN’T WAIT!!!!! I love my new bathroom so much I HAVE to share it with you. And when I say love, I mean loooooooove. Compared to our old bathroom it’s like having my own teensy-weensy fancy schmansy spa. Tile floors, one paint color, a clean and mold free shower pan, a sink with STORAGE!!! I said STORAGE people!

But before the big reveal I’m going to do what I was so thoroughly trained in my Musical Theater class NOT to do: use a disclaimer.

Disclaimer: This in not the finished product. We still have super fly, awesome shelves to install above the toilet, the medicine cabinet will get a new splash of paint and the fabric for my soon to be homemade shower curtain just arrived.

SooOOOOooo, without further ado:


Please disregard the fancy gold doorknob. It shall be finding a new home on the shelf of our local Salvation Army soon enough.


Shelves will go here. Also, check out the stellar light fixture the hubs picked out.


Saving space by using a shower rod with built in towel rack. Pretty brainy of me if I do say so.


I hear the angels singing.


Look how clean!

Big time shout out to our contractor and friend Johnny Taylor for his awesome handy work – and for removing the scald guard on the shower so I don’t freeze to death every time I wash my hair.

Not too shabby huh? Especially considering that last week it looked like this:


Squishy Floors Are Way Overrated